La science soutient la Respiration Intermittente

Auteur: Loris Vitry (coach holistique)
Supervision: Cathy Maillot (ostéopathe)

Avertissement: Consultez obligatoirement votre médecin pour votre santé.

WEBINAIRE GRATUIT : Découvrez les 3 erreurs à éviter lors d'un exercice de respiration, ainsi que 2 tests infaillibles pour savoir si vous respirez correctement (80% des gens respirent mal).

La Respiration Intermittente est soutenue par des milliers d'études scientifiques dont voici une petite sélection.

Normes pour une respiration normale

Buteyko KP, Method of voluntary elimination of deep breathing, Buteyko method [in Russian], in Buteyko method. Its application in medical practice, ed. by K.P. Buteyko, 2nd ed., 1991, Titul, Odessa, p.148-165.

Castro M. Control of breathing. In: Physiology, Berne RM, Levy MN (eds), 4-th edition, Mosby, St. Louis, 1998.

Douglas CG, Haldane JS, The regulation of normal breathing, Journal of Physiology 1909; 38: p. 420–440.

Ganong WF, Review of medical physiology, 15-th ed., 1995, Prentice Hall Int., London.

Guyton AC, Physiology of the human body, 6-th ed., 1984, Suanders College Publ., Philadelphia.

McArdle W.D., Katch F.I., Katch V.L., Essentials of exercise physiology (2nd edition); Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, London 2000.

Straub NC, Section V, The Respiratory System, in Physiology, eds. RM Berne & MN Levy, 4-th edition, Mosby, St. Louis, 1998.

Summary of values useful in pulmonary physiology: man. Section: Respiration and Circulation, ed. by P.L. Altman & D.S. Dittmer, 1971, Bethesda, Maryland (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology).

Ventilation par minute d'une personne malade

Problème cardiaque 12 à 15 litres / minute : Dimopoulou et al, 2001

Hypertension 12 litres / minute : D'Alonzo et al, 1987

Cancer 12 litres / minute : Travers et al, 2008

Diabète 12 à 17 litres / minute : Bottini et al, 2003

Asthme 15 litres / minute : Johnson et al, 1995

Apnée du sommeil 15 litres / minute : Radwan et al, 2001

Cirrhose du foie 11 à 18 litres / minute : Epstein et al, 1998

Anxiété et attaque de panique 12 litres / minute : Pain et al, 1991

Trouble bipolaire 11 litres / minute : MacKinnon et al, 2007

L'oxygène est un mythe

Beall 2007. Two routes to functional adaptation: Tibetan and Andean high-altitude natives

Iscoe 2011. Supplementary oxygen for nonhypoxemic patients: O2 much of a good thing?

Massabuau 2003. Primitive, and protective, our cellular oxygenation status?

Hsia 2013. Evolution of Air Breathing: Oxygen Homeostasis and the Transitions from Water to Land and Sky

Laurino 2012. Mind-body relationships in elite apnea divers during breath holding: a study of autonomic responses to acute hypoxemia

L'oxygénation durant le repos et l'effort physique

Richardson 2006. Human skeletal muscle intracellular oxygenation: the impact of ambient oxygen availability

Sun 2001. Carbon dioxide pressure-concentration relationship in arterial and mixed venous blood during exercise

CO2 et acide lactique

Bussotti 2008. End-tidal pressure of CO2 and exercise performance in healthy subjects.

Robergs 2004. Biochemistry of exercise-induced metabolic acidosis

Avest 2010. Elevated lactate during psychogenic hyperventilation

Circulation du sang

Gilbert 2005. Better Chemistry Through Breathing: The Story of Carbon Dioxide and How It Can Go Wrong

Varlaro 2007. Carboxytherapy: effects on microcirculation and its use in the treatment of severe lymphedema

Kolka 2013. Treating Diabetes with Exercise – Focus on the Microvasculature

Fathi 2011. Carbon dioxide influence on nitric oxide production in endothelial cells and astrocytes: Cellular mechanisms

Press release 1998. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1998

Co2 : anti-oxydant majeur

Vesela and Wilhelm 2002. The Role of Carbon Dioxide in Free Radical Reactions of the Organism

Kogan 1997. Carbon dioxide–a universal inhibitor of the generation of active oxygen forms by cells (deciphering one enigma of evolution)

Kogan 1996. Ability of carbon dioxide to inhibit generation of superoxide anion radical in cells and its biomedical role

Croinin 2005. Bench-to-bedside review: Permissive hypercapnia

CO2 et inflammations

Cummins 2010. NF-κB Links CO2 Sensing to Innate Immunity and Inflammation in Mammalian Cells

Takeshita 2003 Hypercapnic Acidosis Attenuates Endotoxin-Induced Nuclear Factor-B Activation

Laffey and Kavanagh 1999. Carbon dioxide and the critically ill—too little of a good thing?

Curley 2011. Can ‘permissive’ hypercapnia modulate the severity of sepsis-induced ALI/ARDS?

Coakley 2002. Ambient pCO2 modulates intracellular pH, intracellular oxidant generation, and interleukin-8 secretion in human neutrophils

Wang 2010. Elevated CO2 selectively inhibits interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor expression and decreases phagocytosis in the macrophage

CO2 et réduction de la douleur

Grant and Rainville 2009. Pain sensitivity and analgesic effects of mindful states in Zen meditators: a cross-sectional study

Curley 2010. Bench-to-bedside review: Carbon dioxide

Fukuda 2006 Moderate hypercapnia-induced anesthetic effects and endogenous opioids.

Testez votre niveau de santé (2 tests alternatifs surprenants)

Des milliers de personnes utilisent ces 2 tests de santé alternatifs pour suivre leur niveau de stress au quotidien.

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Catégorie: Respiration